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The Changemaker Mindset: Why Every Change on the Outside Starts with an Inner Transformation
The Changemaker Mindset: Why Every Change on the Outside Starts with an Inner Transformation
Ilja Grzeskowitz Business&Careers
Personality is the Key to Professional Success Personal relationships are key to success: In a time when workplaces are becoming more digital and more automated every day, our mindsets and our personal relationships will determine whether we succeed in tomorrow’s markets. We all have one shot to make a lasting impact. Innovators with the changemaker mindset know how to see that opportunity when it comes and make it matter. The human success factor: In the coming years, the human success factor will determine who is among the winners and who is among the losers. All business adventures start with a focus on the self. When you know who you are and develop a deep sense of confidence in yourself, you’ll have the flexibility to roll with the punches. Change comes from within: Whether your goal is to lead a self-determined life, position your company for the future, or be a successful part of a team, external change starts with internal transformation. With The Changemaker Mindset , you’ll master the three Ps of personal development: Purpose. Reconsider what motivates you and find your non-negotiable core principles. People. Build a strong inner circle of peers, because nobody wins alone. Persistence. Develop the confidence to take action, navigate setbacks, and implement change. Readers who liked The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, Leading Change by John Kotter, and The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail by Clayton Christensen will love this new approach to effective business management from personal development.
0708 viewsCompleted
50 After 50: Reframing the Next Chapter of Your Life
50 After 50: Reframing the Next Chapter of Your Life
Maria Leonard Olsen Biographies&Memoirs
At age 50, Maria Leonard Olsen drank her way out of her 25-year marriage. She had, against advice, put all her eggs in the motherhood basket, willfully derailing her successful law career. As teenagers, her precious children did not need her in the hands-on way they previously had. Her husband and she had grown apart because, among other things, they failed to nurture that important relationship. She was depressed and stuck. When she turned 50, she had the distinct feeling that she was on the downward slope of her life. Actuarially speaking, she was. So when she turned 50, her gift to herself was to go on a crusade to make the most of whatever time she had left. She set out to do 50 new things that were significant, at least to her. The list spanned physical challenges, adventure travel, and lifestyle changes. Each taught her something about herself and about how she wanted to lead the next years of her life to come. This work follows the work she did to accomplish those 50 new things and shows readers how to make their own action lists - whether it be joining a knitting club or hiking the Himalayas, every item has significance for each individual and speaks to her needs and desires. The list is the match to spark the fire that will light the years after 50. Readers will hear about Maria's adventures and the rewards of each. Accomplishing new things, learning new skills, deepening personal and spiritual relationships, and seeking out challenges will add the spice to a life that may feel repetitive, insignificant, inauthentic, or just plain boring.
0674 viewsCompleted
High Sensitivity And Mental Health
High Sensitivity And Mental Health
Manuela Pérez Chacón Self-Development
The interest generated by our first book on High Sensitivity has encouraged us to continue with the dissemination of the trait. This second book focuses more on the difficulties experienced by highly sensitive people as well as on the psychological abilities they possess. Knowing how to manage the trait of High Sensitivity is fundamental to achieve the maximum potential in the personal growth of the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). Hence the importance of knowing how to meet the needs of highly sensitive children (HSC) from an early age. HSC children become HSP adults. Solve the issue from childhood, avoid the need for treatments later on. Throughout life, the HSP can go through transient psychological problems or disorders, derived from mismanagement of their trait. In these pages, we try to reflect real examples of people who have come to a psychology consultation looking for a solution to the ”bumps in the road”. Many HSPs discover it in the wake of one of these ups and downs in their lives. Knowing how to take the right path, choosing to have people close to them who respect the HSP trait, and learning to set limits, are the objectives most demanded by the HSPs who are treated by a mental health professional. This book aims to help both the reader, as well as the health or medical professional since, based on our experience as professional experts of High Sensitivity, we try to offer solutions to the problems that arise from being a HSP, examples of people who have gone through the same stages, as well as show some of the most common disorders derived from having this particular personality trait. Although being a HSP or HSC is not a disorder, it is necessary to learn to adapt to today's society until society becomes familiar with High Sensitivity.
0640 viewsCompleted
Badass Women Give the Best Advice: Everything You Need to Know About Love and Life
Badass Women Give the Best Advice: Everything You Need to Know About Love and Life
Becca Anderson Self-Development
Everything you need to know about love, life, relationships, sex, men, and being a badass Advice from girl bosses of all kinds: Women are, far and away, the Oral Sex. Women’s Studies scholar Becca Anderson has gathered the wisdom from a chorus of fabulous femmes for this one-of-a-kind advice book. From housewives to Hollywood starlets, from standup comedians to startup entrepreneurs, these badass women offer unvarnished and unabashed opinions and share their frank and forthright thinking on the wild world of relationships. A sassy collection of woman wisdom: This delightfully dishy gathering of gal pals is like having a heart-to-heart with 200 of your closest friends. Garrulous girls and loquacious ladies from every walk of life unleash their wicked wit in this humorous and enlightening compilation and tell it like it is. Topics include What the World Needs Now, Love Hurts, Lost Love, and Are Men Really Necessary. Learn and laugh at the real stories of the amazing women you love: true tales about wild women of yore that entertain as much as they enlighten. From Anais Nin, Lily Tomlin, Amy Bloom, Dorothy Allison, Drew Barrymore, Chrissy Teigan and beyond, there's no shortage of sass, sarcasm, or sizzle and a few shocks along the way! In Badass Women Give the Best Advice , readers will find: Wisdom about sex, dating, break ups, weddings, the prerequisites for the perfect kiss, and more! Quotes and true stories from famous women and girl bosses Quizzes, love and sex bucket lists and topics like “Size Really Does Matter,” and “Cry Me a River, The Weepiest Romantic Movies Ever” that will spice up your sex and love life Be enlightened with these no nonsense takes on dating, love life, sex, self-love, and more!
0587 viewsCompleted
Bleiki The Viking Mouse And The Conquest Of Highlands
Bleiki The Viking Mouse And The Conquest Of Highlands
Bleiki is the Viking white mouse with real horns that, left behind by his family, is raised by Trolls. He left his adoptive parents to go to find friends, he is being ostracized, and he begins his adventure with Vikings until colonize Scottish Highlands. It's a fairy tale with Viking original names, and invented names for Trolls. The book is full of images, all of it blazes with actions, and it has historical and geographic references. It's a perfect combination and co-ordination between fantasy and reality. It's indicated for children 6 through 10 years of age.
0586 viewsCompleted
The Illusion of Invincibility: The Rise and Fall of Organizations Inspired by the Incas of Peru
The Illusion of Invincibility: The Rise and Fall of Organizations Inspired by the Incas of Peru
Paul Williams Business&Careers
A GLIMPSE BEHIND THE FACADE OF SUCCESS In The Illusion of Invincibility , Paul Williams and Andreas Krebs take a no-punches-held look at the stories we tell ourselves about business success. The rags-to-riches tale is tempting, but we don’t have to search far to see that most organizations rise for a time, only to experience a dramatic fall from grace. Just look at some of the companies that used to be household names: Nokia, AOL, Pan Am, Woolworth and Blockbuster. Move from good to great: You’ll learn the secrets to clear-eyed, value-driven leadership with stories from top managers from international companies, major family businesses, start-ups, consulting firms, the public sector, and NGOs. They offer lessons on how to be a successful and reflective boss in an age of digitization and disruption. Each chapter includes a “stress test” to help you to take an honest look at your own organization and yourself. Can leaders today be inspired by the Incas? You may be surprised. When the authors added a few days to a business trip to Peru, instead of relaxing, they found themselves exploring one of the greatest civilizations in human history...with unexpected lessons about successful businesses and great leadership. The Illusion of Invincibility examines the why of success and failure. It’s a smart, funny, and radical look at how to build and sustain a great organization, inspired by those who have done it today's world and five hundred years ago.
0584 viewsCompleted
Mind Easing: The Three-Layered Healing Plan for Anxiety and Depression
Mind Easing: The Three-Layered Healing Plan for Anxiety and Depression
Today more than ever, everyone must be her or his own healer, and this is especially true in the management of anxiety and depression. In the first major conceptual leap in mental health care in forty years, Mind Easing's Three-Layered Healing Plan harmonizes wellness approaches, therapy, and, when needed, medicine into a safe and effective plan tailored to the needs and wishes of the individual. Written by noted psychiatrist Bick Wanck, MD, one of the founders of the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry and an experienced clinician, writer, and educator, Mind Easing shows how to relieve and often resolve anxiety and depression by assisting the mind's natural ability to heal. Along with non-medicinal healing methods, Mind Easing shows how to use psychiatric medicine (if needed) safely and effectively as part of a mindfully constructed healing plan. Because some psychiatric medicines can blunt feelings and dull thinking, they can impede the flow of healing and interfere with the pleasures of living. Mind Easing suggests when and how psychiatric medicines may be stopped when they are counterproductive to healing. Mind Easing presents a comprehensive Three-Layered Healing Plan for anxiety and depression. Some readers will find all they need in Layer One: Enhancement of Healing without needing the help of a professional. Others will benefit from Layer Two: Guidance which describes how psychotherapy, body and energy work, and spiritual guidance may be used to assist healing. Those readers who experience severe anxiety and depression will find helpful information in Layer Three: Restoration of Healing. where Dr. Wanck explains the concepts of "soft" and "hard" anxiety and depression. Soft anxiety and depression are generally caused by stressful current life events or past genetically inherited conditions or by physiologic hardening of symptoms resulting from persistent or severe adversity or trauma.
0567 viewsCompleted
Reduce, Reuse, Reimagine: Sorting Out the Recycling System
Reduce, Reuse, Reimagine: Sorting Out the Recycling System
Ecosystems require balance to survive, and when that balance is compromised, as in the extinction of a resource or a species, disaster can fall onto the system as a whole. This vital management of resources can be seen in economic systems, as well. A healthy ecosystem is like a healthy economy, with competing mechanics inadvertently working in concert to sustain itself. In both of these worlds, we observe that when a healthy distribution of resources is achieved, systems can not only function, but flourish. The United States’ recycling system has the potential to create over one million new jobs and remove a massive amount of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. A functional recycling system can also save money by providing manufacturers with high quality materials to generate new items. However, this potential has yet to be embraced. Unlike the layers of systems seen in a thriving and healthy forest, our recycling system is bottlenecked, clustered, and contaminated. How can the United States – one of the leading nations on innovation and technology – lag behind in the most obvious of resource recovery systems? Where in the history of recycling did we veer so far off course as to continue hovering at a dismal 34% recycling rate, while other nations have rates double that or more? In the years following World War II there was a rise in recycling efforts but in recent years there has been a great decline. Americans want to recycle, and to know that their actions make a difference. They want confirmation that their time spent sorting recyclables from trash isn’t wasted. But while we see many efforts to support recycling much of our waste still ends up in landfills. Throughout Reduce, Reuse, Re-imagine, Beth Porter provides a great resources about recycling, explaining the complexity, guiding individual action, and contextualizing its history. This book reveals how we arrived at this state of dysfunction, and what steps we need to employ to be an active participant in strengthening our recycling system. Nature knows how to recycle itself, decomposing waste back into the soil to continue the circle of growth. We should follow its lead.
0567 viewsCompleted
Leaving the OCD Circus: Your Big Ticket Out of Having to Control Every Little Thing
Leaving the OCD Circus: Your Big Ticket Out of Having to Control Every Little Thing
Kirsten Pagacz Self-Development
“It’s like the meanest, wildest monkey running around my head, constantly looking for ways to bite me.” That was how Kirsten Pagacz described her OCD to her therapist on their first session when she was well into her 30s she’d been following orders from this mean taskmaster for 20 years, without understanding why. Initially the tapping and counting and cleaning and ordering brought her comfort and structure, two things lacking in her family life. But it never lasted; the loathsome self-talk only intensified, and the rituals she had to perform got more bizarre. By high school she was anorexic and a substance abuser, common "shadow syndromes" of OCD. By adulthood, she could barely hide her problems and held on to jobs and friends through sheer grit. Help finally came in the form of a miraculously well-timed public service announcement on NPR about OCD -- at last her illness had an identity. Leaving the OCD Circus reveals the story of Pagacz’s traumatic childhood and the escalation of her disorder demonstrating how OCD works to misshape a life from a very young age and explains the various tools she used for healing including meditation, cognitive behavioral therapy, yoga, exposure therapy, and medication.
0560 viewsCompleted
Sweet Sorrow: Finding Enduring Wholeness after Loss and Grief
Sweet Sorrow: Finding Enduring Wholeness after Loss and Grief
Sherry Cormier Self-Development
Few of us know how to navigate the territory of traumatic loss successfully. Sweet Sorrow shows how we can respond and grow stronger from loss and suffering. Written by a psychologist and certified bereavement trauma specialist in the decade following the loss of her husband, father, mother, and only sibling, this carefully considered work provides perspective on grief and healing over time. This longer-term approach allows readers to have a more complete and accurate picture of the oscillations of grief over time. The book describes not only the immediate agony of the author’s losses, but also the process of starting over and making a successful new life as a single person full of hope and joy. Sweet Sorrow combines the author’s psychological expertise and clinical experience with the compelling art of memoir to illuminate the surprising ways in which loss survivors can grow and even thrive to achieve wholeness after heartbreaking, traumatic losses. Using findings from post-traumatic growth, as well as evidence-based psychological approaches, Sweet Sorrow illustrates through story and example, ways for grief survivors to start over, to manage chaos and stress, to let go, and to heal with new strategies and re-storying. Sweet Sorrow also provides resources and recommendations for self-care, as well as tips and suggestions for all of us trying to respond creatively and helpfully to those around us suffering loss. Ultimately, Sweet Sorrow is a book of inspiration intended to companion readers through the processes of loss and grief much like a helpful Sherpa might guide a lost traveler.
0550 viewsCompleted

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