I'm at just the 4th chapter, but I think the story is interesting. I just hope Charlie won't cheat on his wife with Doris. She stayed with him even after all the insults and bullying from her family.
Riz Kobe Durant Amar
2023-06-24 09:07:51
love this story.i need to finish reading the whole story
Kainoa Kunewa'Marshall
2023-03-28 04:27:30
caught my interest from the beginning and has been getting better and better with each chapter.
Edwin Banele
2023-03-26 06:54:51
Pride is priceless and innate. The main character doesn't care of status and identity but personality.
Dina Orban
2023-07-15 18:24:11
Riz Kobe Durant Amar
2023-06-24 09:07:51
Kainoa Kunewa'Marshall
2023-03-28 04:27:30
Edwin Banele
2023-03-26 06:54:51
Edwin Banele
2023-03-21 14:24:09
Natasha Jarvis
2023-01-28 09:12:25