by: Eva Zahan
Sounds interesting
2021-11-12 09:57:00
i don't believe you, sis. you like his kisses far too much.. lol...
2021-11-11 09:20:00
She acting so childish, I wish she would stop and listen!
2021-11-10 07:19:00
It Was Just Fabulous I Love This Book Damn So Muchhhh.........️
2021-11-09 17:54:00
Because thinking is NOT your strongest quality. Let me, guess... you're about to do something stupid and reckless? Got it, let's do this.
2021-11-09 08:23:00
Naww... It wasn't Ac E... It was Caleb she was kissing that night!!!
2021-11-08 23:53:00
her presence extinguished the fire of my soul
2021-11-07 08:33:00
Ugh. This kind of jealousy is very unappealing. My fiance does not care if I glance at someone else or ask about someone else because he is confident enough that my love belongs to him and him alone.
2021-11-07 06:13:00
Really good the start isn't bad
2021-11-07 03:07:00
Such a great story
Marilou Palencia De Mesa
2023-01-30 14:25:05